A Human Resources Officer is responsible for ensuring the workforce of an organisation is as effective as possible. You’ll help with recruitment and providing training and development opportunities for staff and address disciplinary measures should they arise. Here are the signs you’d make a good HR officer...
Both in our personal and professional lives, it’s a good idea to set ourselves goals. Here's how to make the likelihood of achieving your goals greater by setting SMART goals...
A Business Development Manager is responsible for sourcing and negotiating new business opportunities. Here are the signs you’d make a good business development manager...
Here’s how to use the STAR technique to ensure your answers are structured and specific and can demonstrate the skills that make you the perfect candidate...
An Administrator is responsible for providing administrative support to professionals. Administrators carry out a lot of word processing and communication to complete tasks. Here are the signs you’d make a good administrator...
A Supply Chain Manager is responsible for every stage of the production flow from purchasing raw materials to delivering the final product. Here are the signs you’d make a good supply chain manager...
New driving rules for 2022 that may not have come up on your driving test are now in place. Don’t get caught out! Here are some changes to driving laws you might have missed...
We’ve all heard that actions speak louder than words but did you know that the tiniest actions can influence how people perceive you? Here are our top body language hacks to foster trust with others...
So you’ve written a great application and been offered an interview, congratulations! Now you need to prepare your answers to the questions you most likely will be asked to ensure you’re presenting everything you have to offer the company. Here are the most common interview questions and how to answer them...